Crazy Strong
Crazy Strong
Designed, produced, and provided mechanical art to the vendor, who individually silkscreened precious gold directly onto each container. QC’d process and approvals on-site.
Worked with Crazy Strong’s in-house art department to create and provide assets for their website. I designed Crazy Strong’s branding including logos, graphic elements, and color palette.
Designed packaging for Crazy Strong’s candle line from concept to finish. This includes the logo design, graphic elements, candle carton design and pattern, color palette, and printing finishes.
Worked with the printer directly and was on-press for all runs for QC and approvals, to accomplish this very intricate design.
Created a color palette that reflected the Crazy Strong vibe with bright colors that work well together and individually. With this approach, I was able to print 1 color + black/1, utilizing the same dies, saving time and money.