A synthesis of art, design and technology.
In college I became interested in the mix of art, design and business, majoring in Communication Arts at Syracuse University. I attended a NYC summer program, where I met creative icons like Herb Lubalin and Milton Glaser, and toured Rolling Stone, Pushpin Studios and DDB, among others.
the highlight was meeting Andy Warhol at his studio in Union Square, Filled with his paintings. when I shook his hand it was truly the best moment of my life.
After graduation I worked as a designer in advertising agencies, in-house art departments and publications. I started my own agency and moved to NYC. To my great fortune, this was at the time Steve Jobs came on the scene with the Apple Mac. This completely changed my life, and I feel incredibly lucky that I grew up in this era. Today I work from home doing what I love (on a Mac of course) combining design, technology and art.
Andy Warhol, Debra Harry, and a desktop computer, sums up my entire career. I learned, worked and designed on the ground floor of the digital era. This collaboration of art, design and technology can be seen throughout my work.